Newsletter August 2019
January 8, 2019
Newsletter 10 from Geneva, Bellevue, August 2019
Orhan Pamuk writes, "As we hold words in our hands, like stones, sensing the ways in which each is connected to the others…patiently and hopefully we create new worlds." Creating new worlds with our words. May we do so!
Since my last newsletter December 2018, I've been to the States three times. Sometimes living here in Switzerland the land of Trump seems more than an ocean away. But back to our words and creating new worlds.
In the spring, workshops for the Geneva Writers Group, the American Library in Paris, and the Jung Societies in the States kept me focused on "The Alchemy of Writing", finding our stories in the dark and bringing them to the light. I also participated in the International Women's Writing Guild Retreat outside Boston. In the summer I returned for my 30th (yes, !!) stimulating IWWG Summer Conference at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Photos are from the Geneva Press Club, the Jung Library in Washington, then from IWWG at Boston and Allentown.
At home I prepared a new online course, "Seeing Beauty with Words, Awakening the Soul", for the Washington Jung Society. It is launched today! An hour and a half class that can be yours for life!! My first course, "Journaling to the Soul", is also available. On my walk this morning, a butterfly caught my eye. They're rare here. It was a bit of synchronicity, remembering that the word 'soul' in ancient Greek, psyche, means also butterfly. It was awakening my soul! I caught it twice, from white flours to red flowers.
To close I am very happy to announce that the 20th Anniversary Edition of Circling to the Center will be published by Chiron Publications October 1 with a new subtitle Invitation to Silent Prayer and an Afterword which I wrote to update my spiritual journey to where I am today. I am adding a photo of Writing Toward Wholeness, published also by Chiron in 2018. And lastly, with husband Pierre-Yves and first great grandchild Holly.
With all good wishes as we create new worlds with our words, Susan
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