January 12, 2024
Newsletter 11 from Geneva Bellevue, December 1, 2019
In this 85th year of my life I keep reflecting about the oneness of creation. About bringing together night and day, darkness and light, different cultures, the human family. I see around me so much division. How to move from chaos to cosmos, from injustice to a creative peaceful world
I have been reading about this one world, the inner world of philosophers, mystics, poets over the centuries. Today
there is a meeting of science and ancient wisdom in the supposition of a field of interconnection pervading all levels
of reality. We are back to Indra's net of jewels, spun over the God's palace, where if one jewel sparkles, all of the
jewels sparkle. A contemporary metaphor for the nature of our univer.
This research nourished the webinars, "Narratives of the Unconscious," I gave in October for the International Women's Writing Guild. Also the seminar I gave to Jungians and writers, "Active Imagination and Writing" in November. And will nourish my workshop "From Darkness to Light, The Alchemy of Writing" this month for the Geneva Writers Group. I am grateful for these opportunities.
And my two online master classes, Journaling to the Soul and Seeing Beauty with Words, for Jung Society of Washington remain available. Bulletin boards are included in both courses for discussion and questions. I will try to answer!
The 20th Anniversary Edition of Circling to the Center was published this fall by Chiron, with the subtitle, Invitation
to Silent Prayer and with an Afterword which updates my spiritual journey. The chapters treat experiences of both
light and darkness in my life. In the Afterword, I include the abuse of one of our daughters by the parish vicar, a
tragedy she recalled only after many years. How Rome refused a trial. My path took a turn and opened to all
faiths and to a oneness with nature.
The pastel on the cover is by friend Karen McDermott. Meister Eckhart wrote that to lead a good life, we could begin "like a man who draws a circle. Let him get the center in the right place and keep it so, then the circumference will be good."
This is my Christmas wish for all of us. May we get the center in the right place. May we find oneness so that there be less division and conflict around us. Lets remember Etty Hillesum who wrote one year before her death at Auschwitz in 1943, "the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in the world."